Tuesday, July 21, 2009


There are certain traits that experts agree that are shared by creative people. A few of them are being persistent, visualization, and curiosity, which I think are some that I possess. I believe that I possess those traits for a few reasons.

I think that I am persistent because I try a lot of things. When I try those things, there is no guarantee that I will succeed at those. Sometimes when I try to do something, I don’t fully understand what needs to be done so it’s very often that I fail. When that happens, I usually decide that I need to know what I misunderstood and what really needs to happen. What occurs most of the time is that I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do or I have no idea and so I make up what I think might be the instructions. When I do realize what I have done wrong, I most likely will take any opportunity to re-do what I have done wrong. In this way, I think that I am persistent.

The reason that I think that I have visualization is because I like to daydream. When I decide that I am going to work on a project, I can automatically imagine what I want the final outcome to look like. I know what color it will be, what materials will be used, and I can imagine what it would look like as I present it (if it’s a class project). There are so many parts of the project that I can visualize that my visualizing capability that I sometimes don’t pay attention to the mechanical part of the plan. I don’t plan out how I will execute all of the plan’s parts. This can lead to lots of problems in the future when I am trying to work on the project and it all falls apart. This is because I have a very strong visualizing capability.

I am also curious, which is another trait of creative people. I like to understand why things happen, what happens, and who is behind things. When I watch reality shows, I like to watch what happens, why, who, and how people react. What intrigues me is why people do the stupid things that they do. I also like to look at the news and ask the same questions. I also like to learn about new jobs that are coming up because of the changing times, why we need them, etc. Basically, I’m always asking who, what, when, where , why, and how.

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